The Data Privacy Act of 2012 on a National Identification
An Analysis in Relation to Ople vs Torres
“If it looks like a duck. If it quacks like a duck. If it
walks like a duck. It probably is a duck. ”
- The Duck Test
During the Second World War, more than 100,000 Americans of
Japanese descent were rounded up and held in internment camps in various states
of the USA. It was confirmed that the Census Bureau played a role in their
confinement when they turned over to the War Department general statistics
about where Japanese-Americans lived. The list contained names, addresses and
data on the age, sex, citizenship status and occupation of Japanese-Americans
in the area. The Census complied with a request by the Treasury Department to
turn over names of individuals of Japanese ancestry because of an unspecified
threat against President Franklin Roosevelt.
It was acting legally under the Second War Powers Act, which allowed the
sharing of information for national security.[1]
While the law prohibits the Census Bureau to
reveal data that could be linked to specific individuals, this prohibition was
temporarily repealed through the Second War Powers Act of 1942 to assist in the
roundup of Japanese-Americans for imprisonment in internment camps in
California and six other states during the war.[2]
In Rwanda, a national identification card system was
instituted by the Belgian colonial government and retained after independence. This
identification system contained indicators in group classification such as race
and ethnicity. This was methodologically employed to identify and execute the
Tsutsis during the 1994 Rwanda genocide. This was the most significant factor
in facilitating the speed and magnitude of the 100 days of mass killing in
During the period of Nazi Germany, identification cards were
used to identify Jews. A stamped ID card meant a death sentence for the Jews as
they were deported to concentration death camps.[4]
In the Philippines, a “citizen
identification card system” or the so-called “ID
system” was launched and implemented in Sulu. The Commission on Human Rights in
its legal opinion on the matter provides that “this was made possible through
the efforts of the local government, the AFP, PNP and other stake holders of
peace and development in the province. The ID card’s signatory, however, is the
commanding officer of the 3rd Marine Brigade, Col. Natalio C. Encarma showing
thereon the seal of the Philippine Marine Corps on the upper right and the seal
of the local government of Patikul on the upper left… The ID card also shows
the photograph of the bearer, the name, address, age, sex, civil status, ID
number and the signature of the cardholder as well as the thumbmark, blood
type, date of birth, place of birth and contact persons in case of emergency.
It was said that the purpose of such identification system is to protect the
people, to curb crimes and to deter terrorism within the province since it
would be easy to identify those who are not from Sulu as well as to serve as
the “database for local census.” However,
since the time of the campaign on “war on terror” by the Arroyo administration,
it cannot be denied that many people have been suffering from illegal arrests
and detention. Oppression and harassment is highly possible and will justify
arbitrary arrests and detentions of those who are found not wearing ID cards on
suspicion of being terrorists/criminals. As such, it would be a blatant violation
of human rights of the people of Sulu who are left with no other option but to
abide the implementation of the ID System.”[5]
These are some
of actual events raising the constitutional and ethical issues involved in the manipulation
of an individual’s personal information whether it be that of data collected by
a government agency for a particular purpose or through the all-encompassing
reach of a national identification system. In particular, the national
identification system contains an individual’s private information, where
linkage among government agencies is made accessibly possible through a
database containing the said information. Manipulation of this data immediately
raises the concern on the individual’s fundamental rights including the
non-impairment clause of the right to travel and liberty of abode; the right to
privacy and to be let alone; the right against self-incrimination; the right to
dissent; and possibly the right against unreasonable searches without probable
With the
enactment of Republic Act 10173, also known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012,
questions as to whether this serves as a sufficient mechanism to the
introduction of a National Identification System are now being raised. Will the
provisions of the Data Privacy Act of 2012 serve to protect the constitutional
guaranties on the fundamental right to privacy with regard to the
implementation of a centralized system of identification of individuals? Or
will this foretell of human rights abuses as narrated in the history of mankind,
of monitoring and surveillance? Will the
Data Privacy Act of 2012 finally pave the way for the implementation of a
National Identification System? It must be noted that during his term, President
Fidel V. Ramos issued Administrative Order No. 308 entitled "Adoption of a
National Computerized Identification Reference System." However, the Supreme Court in the leading case of Ople vs Torres declared
null and void said Administrative Order No. 308 on two important constitutional grounds where 1. it is a
usurpation of the power of Congress to legislate, and 2. it impermissibly
intrudes on our citizenry's protected zone of privacy.[7]
Given this framework, this paper attempts to provide an analysis on whether the
Data Privacy Act of 2012 addresses the constitutional issues raised in Ople vs
Torres for it to stand as a sufficient mechanism in the introduction of a
National Identification System.
For the purposes of this paper, we shall focus on the contentions
raised in Ople vs Reyes as to whether or not there still exists a violation of
the fundamental right to privacy and to be let alone with the adoption of the
Data Privacy Act of 2012.
“If you kept the small rules, you could break the big ones.” – George Orwell, 1984
To lay the groundwork for the application of the Data Privacy
Law to the National Identification System, let us have an understanding of the
National Identification System as it is.
The Philippine Senate Economic Planning Office defines in broad
terms the national identification (ID) system as “a mechanism used by
governments to assist public agencies in identifying and verifying the
identities of citizens who are availing of government services or making public
transactions.” An identification number is assigned to a person at birth or
when he or she reaches legal age.[8]
Personal information such as name, birth date,
place of birth, gender, eye color, height, current address, photograph, and
other information is linked to this identification number and stored in a
centralized database.[9]
However, information that is not required to either establish or verify the
cardholder’s identity may also be included. This additional information “may
also contain service-related information, such as account numbers, medical insurance
information, training achievements, employee information, or level of security
The national identification system is employed by a number of countries. The
purpose of such is particular to the country’s socio-political environment.
Generally, advocates of the identification system provide that this system is to be
used to deter crimes, prevent fraud, access social security and basic
government services, or to combat terrorism.
However, this concept was first used by countries with
diverse ethnic groups to identify people of a certain race, political
affiliation, or religion.[11]
Historically, it was shown that group classification in identification systems
were manipulated and used by oppressive regimes to discriminate against certain
ethnicities, religion, or political groups. Even from the start, it has been a
repressive tool into the invasion of personal privacy where each data collected
and stored could be used as a dossier to wipe out a certain ethnicity, race, or
group of individuals of a certain political affiliation.
Records show that the national identification system has been
an instrument of the government, its own Big Brother creating a culture of impunity
where privacy is an illusion and its intrusion into the lives of people is the
norm. Past records could be invoked in the future for a crime that did not yet
exist at that time. Less tolerant governments could very well overuse and abuse
information at their disposal in the name of police power. Even with security measures, in the name of
national security, individual privacies can be sacrificed if for the so-called
“greater good.” Take the case of the American-Japanese prisoners during the
Second World War. No amount of laudable intentions and protections could
outweigh the potential dangers of this system.
It is also
important to note that many countries adopt the national ID system during
military or authoritarian regimes.[12]
While a number of countries have adopted the national
identification system, this has always been strongly opposed precisely because of
its very nature of monitoring and surveillance. On the part of the government,
this can be a tool to record a person’s movement. Imagine a person in the government watchlist for being highly critical of the
government. Imagine this person to be the target of status and identity checks
from police, airport personnel, banks, random searches at checkpoints. Failure
to carry a national identification card would highly yield a justification for
search, detention, or arrest. “The stigma and humiliation of constantly proving
lawful status is unacceptable.”[13]
On the part of the
private sector, this system is likewise a dangerous well of information
available to individuals or corporations alike. With the advent of technology,
identification databases now include biometric identifiers. Biometrics is "the science
of the application of statistical methods to biological facts; a mathematical
analysis of biological data." The term "biometrics" has
evolved into a broad category of technologies which provide precise
confirmation of an individual's identity through the use of the individual's
own physiological and behavioral characteristics.”[14]
Biometric identifiers “authenticate or verify identity based on physical
characteristics such as fingerprints, iris, face and palm prints, gait, voice
and DNA. While supporters argue that biometric identifiers are an
efficient way to accurately identify people, biometrics are costly, prone to
error, and present extreme risks to privacy and individual freedom. Once
biometric data is captured, it frequently flows between governmental and
private sector users. Companies have developed biometric systems to control
access to places, products and services. Citizens can be asked for a thumbprint
to access e-government services or enter a room in a corporate headquarters.
Geolocation tracking, video surveillance and facial recognition software built
on top of large biometrics collections can further enable pervasive
surveillance systems.”[15]
It was pointed
out by the American Civil Liberties Union that the "linkage of government databases with corporate
databases increases the likelihood that intimate personal information—credit
histories, spending habits, unlisted telephone numbers, voting, medical and
employment histories—could be easily accessed without a person's
This makes the system vulnerable to hackers or persons who can use and abuse
data in their hands. Facial recognition may be grabbed from a photo in
Facebook. Voice recognition may be recorded from wiretapped conversations. There
are a thousand and one ways to break into the system as a means to access and
manipulate data.
The Philippines
is no stranger to the national identification system. During Martial Law,
President Ferdinand Marcos issued Presidential Decree No. 278 which sought to
introduce a National Reference Card System through the creation of a National
Registration Coordinating Committee. However, this did not push through. As
earlier mentioned, President Fidel V. Ramos also proposed for a similar system.
He issued Administrative Order No. 308
for the adoption of a Nationalized Computer System, which was struck down by
the Supreme Court for being unconstitutional. President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
refined some of the points of the system limiting the scope to government
agencies, government-owned and controlled corporations, harmonizing and
streamlining their identification systems. As of late, a bill was proposed in Congress once
again reviving this bill.[17]
So why, despite the perennial revamp of this identification
system, does it remain in its initial stages of conception? An astute foresight
is given by former US Supreme Court Justice William
Douglas, “The Constitution is not neutral. It was designed to take the
government off the backs of people.” Anchoring
on the leading case of Ople vs Torres, we
shall answer the foregoing question with a set of questions: On what legal
grounds does the Supreme Court support its decision in declaring the
adoption of a Nationalized Computer System in Administrative Order No. 308 as null and void? Why was it struck
down as unconstitutional?
“I am not a number, I
am a free man!” – Patrick McGoohan, The Prisoner
Administrative Order No. 308 provides that a computerized system is required to
properly and efficiently identify persons seeking basic services on social
security and reduce, if not totally eradicate, fraudulent transactions and
misrepresentations. This is in response to the need to provide Filipino
citizens and foreign residents with the facility to conveniently transact
business with basic service and social security providers and other government
instrumentalities. This will be made possible through the concerted and
collaborative effort among the various basic services and social security
providing agencies and other government instrumentalities where a decentralized
Identification Reference System among the key basic services and social
security providers will be established. An important feature in the linkage
among agencies would be the Population Reference Number (PRN) generated by the
NSO which shall serve as the common reference number to establish a linkage
among concerned agencies. The IACC Secretariat shall coordinate with the different
Social Security and Services Agencies to establish the standards in the use of
Biometrics Technology and in computer application designs of their respective
to the questions: On what legal grounds does the
Supreme Court support its decision in declaring the adoption of a
Nationalized Computer System in Administrative Order No. 308 as null and void? Why was it struck
down as unconstitutional?
In the first
place, Administrative Order No. 308 involved a subject that is not
appropriate to be covered by an administrative order and usurps the power of
Congress to legislate. The President’s administrative power is
concerned with the work of applying policies and enforcing orders as determined
by proper governmental organs. Administrative Order No. 308 establishes for the
first time a National Computerized Identification Reference System. Such a
System requires a delicate adjustment of various contending state policies —
the primacy of national security, the extent of privacy interest against
dossier-gathering by government, the choice of policies, among others. This administrative order redefines the parameters of some
basic rights of the citizenry vis-a-vis the State, as well as the line that
separates the administrative power of the President to make rules and the
legislative power of Congress. Under A.O. No. 308, a citizen cannot transact business with
government agencies delivering basic services to the people without the
contemplated identification card. No citizen will refuse to get this
identification card for no one can avoid dealing with government. It is thus
clear as daylight that without the ID, a citizen will have difficulty
exercising his rights and enjoying his privileges. Given this reality, the
contention that A.O. No. 308 gives no right and imposes no duty cannot stand. It deals with a subject that should be covered by law.[19]
But going into the heart of the matter, Administrative Order No. 308 violates the constitutionally protected
right to privacy. Ople vs Torres provides[20]:
XXX The right
to privacy is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution. Therefore, it
is the burden of government to show that A.O. 308 is justified by some
compelling state interest and that it is narrowly drawn. The government failed
to discharge this burden. While it is debatable whether the interests of
Administrative Order No. 308 are compelling enough to warrant the issuance of
A.O. 308, it is not arguable that the broadness, the vagueness, the overbreadth
of A.O. 308, if implemented, will put our people’s right to privacy in clear
and present danger.
The heart of
A.O. 308 lies in its Section 4 which provides for a Population Reference Number
(PRN) as a “common reference number to establish a linkage among concerned
agencies” through the use of “Biometrics Technology” and “computer application
designs.” A.O. 308 does not
state what specific biological characteristics and what particular biometrics
technology shall be used. Moreover, A.O. 308 does not state whether encoding of
data is limited to biological information alone for identification purposes.
The Solicitor General’s claim that the adoption of the Identification Reference
System will contribute to the “generation of population data for development
planning” is an admission that the PRN will not be used solely for
identification but for the generation of other data with remote relation to the
avowed purposes of A.O. 308. The computer linkage gives other government
agencies access to the information, but there are no controls to guard against
leakage of information. When the access code of the control programs of the
particular computer system is broken, an intruder, without fear of sanction or
penalty, can make use of the data for whatever purpose, or worse, manipulate the
data stored within the system.
A.O. 308 falls
short of assuring that personal information which will be gathered about our
people will only be processed for unequivocally specified purposes. The lack of
proper safeguards in this regard of A.O. 308 may interfere with the
individual’s liberty of abode and travel by enabling authorities to track down
his movement; it may also enable unscrupulous persons to access confidential
information and circumvent the right against self-incrimination; it may pave the
way for “fishing expeditions” by government authorities and evade the right
against unreasonable searches and seizures. The possibilities of abuse and
misuse of the PRN, biometrics and computer technology are accentuated when we
consider that the individual lacks control over what can be read or placed on
his ID, much less verify the correctness of the data encoded. They threaten the
very abuses that the Bill of Rights seeks to prevent. XXX
Given the above contentions, the National
Identification System espoused in Administrative Order No. 308 does not guarantee
the people’s safety and welfare, enough for it to be struck down even at its
infancy, in the interest of the Filipino people. The well-being of the
individual will always be paramount at all times. In the words of Morfe v.
Mutuc, “In modern terms, the capacity to maintain and support this enclave of
private life marks the difference between a democratic and a totalitarian
society.” And as Ople vs Torres closes its decision it said, “XXX the right to
privacy was not engraved in our Constitution for flattery.”
Meanwhile, a
new law, the Republic Act No.10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 was enforced
to fill “a void in the Philippine legal system. Prior to the promulgation of
the Act, there was no Philippine law dealing specifically with personal data
privacy. While the Philippine Constitution and jurisprudence recognize and
protect a person’s right to privacy, they deal with the protection of personal
information in only a general manner.”[21]
Let us look
into the sufficiency of this law to answer the questions previously raised as to
whether this serves as a mechanism for the introduction of the National
Identification System. Having discussed the arguments justifying the
unconstitutionality of Administrative Order No. 308, will the Data Privacy Act
of 2012 provide the protections on the privacy of the individual found lacking
in Administrative Order No. 308?
“If I can’t trust the president of the United States, who can
I trust?” – Superman
Privacy in this context refers to the constraints on the
collection, use and release of personal information, as well as the imposition
of measures to protect such information. This evolution of meaning was brought
about by the increasing requirements for identity confirmation and for
transactions of almost any kind to require personal identification.[22]
Protecting privacy in the context of identification systems
means protecting the individual’s rights to control how personal information is
collected and promulgated. This includes protection against identity theft, or
the use of an individual’s personal information for fraudulent purposes.
Information security is a critical component in protecting privacy, and this
entails protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
information that identifies or otherwise describes an individual.[23]
As earlier mentioned, the Philippine Constitution and jurisprudence recognize and
protect a person’s right to privacy only in a general manner. The Data Privacy
Act of 2012 (the Act) is the first data privacy law adopted in the Philippines.
It is intended to protect the integrity and security of personal data in both
the private and public sectors.[24]
Specifically, Sen.
Edgardo Angara states that this Act is meant to protect individuals whose
sensitive information is being sent electronically, stressing that data privacy
has become a major concern because of the growth of the business process
outsourcing (BPO) sector in the country.[25]
Sen. Angara, chair of the Senate Committee on Science and Technology (S&T),
emphasized that the country's data privacy policy should protect the personal
information of users without bogging down the ease of access companies need to
efficiently operate, as in what happened in India where their data privacy
rules caused an uproar in the BPO industry. While this Act is a measure
providing adequate controls that would protect the public from abuse, the aim
also is not to constrain the rapid growth of the IT-BPO sector. The framework
promotes a flexible approach to data privacy minus needless barriers to
information flows.[26] Apparently, by these statements, the purpose
of this Act is geared towards maintaining a competitive market and boost investments in its information technology-business
process outsourcing (IT-BPO) sector and support a healthy information and
communications technology (ICT) industry. [27] On the other hand, by whatever “flexible approach” means
remains to be qualified.
Application of the Act is broad enough to apply to processing
of all types of personal information of an individual (data subject). This
includes the collection, use and release of personal information. Personal
information is defined here as that which makes apparent the identity of an
individual or can be reasonably ascertained by the entity holding the
information or when put together with other information, will directly and certainly
identify an individual. Sensitive personal information is likewise covered by
this Act which is information that does not necessarily either establish or
verify the identity of an individual. This includes race, ethnicity, religious
or political affiliations, genetic or sexual life of a person, criminal record,
social security numbers, and tax returns, among others. Stringent requirements
are applied in the processing of sensitive personal information. Information is
processed by information controllers and processors through the Filing System
or Information and Communications System. Administration, implementation,
monitoring and ensuring compliance of this law is assigned to the National
Privacy Commission (NPC) which was created for the purpose.
If this would be the framework for a national identification
system, up to what extent of information is necessary for “identifying and
verifying the identities of citizens who are availing of government services or
making public transactions?”[28]
History shows that group classification in the identification system is dangerous
information in the wrong hands. This is not merely speaking of potential
dangers but lessons learned from actual events that measure our humanity.
The General Data Privacy Principles
stipulate that personal information must be collected for specified and
legitimate purposes determined and declared before, or as soon as reasonably
practicable after collection; and later processed in a way compatible with such
declared purposes only. Immediately, there is a gap as to what comprises a
specified and legitimate purpose “before or as soon as reasonably practicable
after collection.” There exists a period open to what may possibly be determined
and declared between “before or as soon as reasonably practicable after
collection.” A specific and legitimate purpose surely cannot be open to what
may transpire during this interim? Is this what Senator Angara refers to as a
“flexible approach to data privacy minus
needless barriers to information flows?”
The Act states that personal information is to be retained
only for as long as necessary for the stated purpose. However, personal
information collected for “other purposes” may lie processed for historical,
statistical, or scientific purposes, and in cases “laid down by law” may be
stored for longer periods, given the adequate safeguards. To be precise, the
general principles laid down several purposes[29] for the processing of personal
information, a number of which is vague and too broad to pin down as to raise
the concern on the determination of what the “other purposes” are. And for that
matter, the provisions likewise stipulate that personal information be adequate
and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are collected and
processed. In relation to that, what is the measure for adequate and not
excessive as to the “other purposes?” Again, there exists a vacuum to the
extent of application of the law. “Flexible approach” perhaps?
Conditions for the Lawful Processing of
Personal Information
It is important to note that the criteria
for lawful processing of sensitive personal information are more stringent than
that of personal information, where Section 13 provides that processing of
sensitive personal information is generally prohibited. However, processing is
considered lawful even without the consent of the individual if it complies
with the exceptions provided by the law. This means that once the information
leaves the data subject, even without the consent, its processing becomes
subject to the conditions laid by law, which conditions are subject to the
needs of the Controller or the government,[30] and only upon the regulation of the NPC.
Notification Requirement
rights of the data subject include being informed whether personal information
pertaining to him/her shall be, are being or have been processed. The data
subject must be furnished with the particular information to be processed before
the entry of personal information into the processing system of the personal
information controller, or at the next practical opportunity.
Again, there is
room allowing an interval by which the individual must have been notified. To
be clear, this set of information which requires notification upon the data
subject includes disclosure of personal information to “possible recipients or
classes of recipients” meaning third parties. This is information personal to
the data subject and it is unacceptable that such information be out in the
open without the individual’s knowledge until “the next practical opportunity.”
If this law were to be made a mechanism for the national identification system,
then there is a clear breach in confidentiality and security in this area. “A
critical component of protecting privacy is information security – protecting
the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information that identifies
or otherwise describes an individual. To be considered privacy enabled, an
identification system must be designed to satisfy these parameters.”[31]
Then again, if
this were to be for an identification system personal to the needs of the individual,
who exactly comprise “possible recipients or classes of recipients?” Being
personal for that matter, what are the instances by which there is a need to
provide third parties with information personal to an individual and why?
Rights of Data Subjects
the rights[32]
stated in the Act is for the data subject to “dispute the inaccuracy or error
in the personal information and have the personal information controller
correct it immediately XXX Provided, that the third parties who have previously
received such processed personal information shall be informed of its
inaccuracy and its rectification upon reasonable request of the data subject.”[33]
Further, the data subject may “suspend, withdraw or order the blocking, removal
or destruction of his personal information from the personal information
controller’s filing system upon discovery and substantial proof that the
personal information are incomplete, outdated, false, unlawfully obtained, used
for unauthorized purposes XXX In this case, the personal information controller
may notify third parties who have previously received such processed
personal information.”
provisions show that it is not within the powers of the law to mandatorily
impose upon the controller to protect the integrity of the personal information
of the data subject. In the former it states that inaccuracies will be
corrected “upon reasonable request of the data subject.” However, it cannot be
presumed that these data subjects are informed of their rights in the first
place, where there is even a provision in this law wherein data subjects are
notified only at the next practical opportunity of who these third persons are.
This Act is hard enough to comprehend as it is for these data subjects to
understand the implications of this provision.
In the latter,
it is discretionary for the controller to notify these third parties of any
wrongful information which is damaging to the person of the data subject. The rules
on statutory construction provide that the use of the word “may” in a statute
will be interpreted in the permissive or discretionary sense. How is it
justifiable that one’s character which is wrongfully recorded and presented to
third persons remain uncorrected upon the discretion of the controller? Will
the next provision pertaining to indemnification of damages provide enough
redress to the wrong done upon one’s personal character? And we have not even
addressed technological and digital security issues yet as when electronic
information leaks beyond the custody of the controller and third party.
Transfer of Personal Information, Subcontracting,
and Accountability
Section 14
provides for the subcontracting of personal information upon ensuring proper
safeguards to protect the confidentiality of the personal information processed
and prevent its use for unauthorized purposes. Section 21 provides for the accountability of
the controller having the custody and control of the personal information to be
transferred to a third party for processing, whether domestically or
The digital
world is constantly improving. Subjecting personal information, and possibly sensitive
personal information, to various transfers through electronic means leave
behind data in the digital systems where these transits take place. During
these digital times, there is no foolproof safeguard in ensuring the protection
of one’s identity in the digital world. It can even be said that in this
context, passing the accountability to the controller is unqualified when there
are technological breakthroughs that could break into the system, which is
beyond the controller’s control.
The use of
“contractual or other reasonable means” to provide a “comparable level of
protection” while the information are being processed by a third party do not provide
adequate protection with regard to personal and sensitive personal information.
In connection to the national identification system, an individual’s personal
information should not even be a proper object or subject matter of a contract.
It is against public policy to subject a person to a high probability of
exposure of his personal identity on the basis of these transfers where there
is a likelihood of identity theft in the transitions. Moreover, privacy in the
context of a national identification system should not be subject to a
”comparable level of protection.” Comparable to what, by all means. There is a
need for accuracy and precision in providing for information security. These jargons
in the Act do not provide sufficient protective measures for the transfer of
personal data.
It is
commendable that this law provided for stiff sanctions in cases of violations.
However, it has been said that prevention is better than cure. In the
implementation of a national identification system, these penalties are not
enough to deter violators. This law cannot possibly prevent spillovers beyond
the custody of the controller or the third parties. What happens then when a
non-party gets hold of these information? What happens when a violator is someone
who is not even aware that s/he is processing personal information in social media?
The law is too broad and vague that it can be made to apply
even to innocent actions of people in the internet, particularly in social
media. It can be applicable to anyone who processes
private information. This includes people who access social networks.
The Data
Privacy Act of 2012 is not a sufficient mechanism for the introduction of a
National Identification System, in relation to the constitutionality issues
raised in Ople vs. Torres. The law does not
provide adequate protection to the right to privacy
And as to its
framework, there still exists a void as to the purpose for which this law is
made to apply. Obviously, we do not want a “flexible approach” as coined by
Sen. Angara, when it comes to the handling of personal information in our
identification system. This “flexibility” can be gleaned from Sections 4, and
11. And in Section 12 where even without the consent of the data subject, if
otherwise not prohibited by law, and when at least one of the conditions
exists, processing of personal information is lawful. A framework that
considers the interests of the BPO sector almost at par with that of the
individual cannot be a sufficient measure to lay the grounds for a national
identification system, or to justify what is lawful.
It must be
stressed that Section 12 likewise provides that processing is necessary to
respond to national emergency, to comply with the requirements of public order
and safety, or to fulfill functions of public authority which necessarily
includes the processing of personal data for the fulfillment of its mandate;
and in Section 13 where one of the exceptions to the prohibition of processing
of sensitive information is when the same is provided for by existing laws and
regulations where the consent of the data subject is not required by law or
regulation permitting the same. While
the Committee stresses on the protection of personal information and stringently
so for sensitive personal information, the individual’s right to privacy is
compromised in times of national emergency and in the name of public order and
safety, or when there is a law made applicable for this. Again, this brings us
to past lessons when a less tolerant government gains access to personal data in
the name of police power, or sensitive personal data for that matter, for their
manipulation. Here lies the basis for violating the individual’s fundamental
right to privacy, and even the right to travel and liberty of abode; the right
against self- incrimination; the right to dissent; and possibly the right
against unreasonable searches without probable cause.
sum, there still remains no sufficient mechanism for a national identification
system in the Philippines in the context of protection of a person’s privacy.
The Data Privacy Act of 2012, being the first data privacy law adopted, does
not address the constitutional issue on the right to privacy as raised in Ople
vs. Torres.
– Albert Einstein.
Disclaimer: This paper is not intended to be and
should not be taken as legal advice.
[1] Haya El Nasser (March 30, 2007). "Papers show Census role in WWII camps". USA Today,
[2] JR
Minkel (March 30, 2007). Confirmed:
The U.S. Census Bureau Gave Up Names of Japanese-Americans in WW II.
Scientific American,,
[3] Prosecutor vs. Jean-Paul Akayesu, (Case No. ICTR-96-4-T),
Judgement, 2 September 1998, paragraph 123. The
comparison between the Nazi and Rwandan ID cards and a call for further
research on this topic was made by Henry R. Huttenbach in an article entitled
"The letter of the Law and the Mark of Cain: When "J" was and
"T" is lethal," Genocide
Forum, year 1 (1994), no. 5,
[4] Transcript of the trial of Adolf Eichmann, Session 36 (11 May
1961), Testimony of Henrietta Samuel,
[5] Jose Manuel S. Mamauag (February 14, 2008), Legal Opinion: ID System
in Sulu, an Experimental Implementation of National ID System?, Commission
on Human Rights-IX
[6] KASAMA Vol. 11 No. 1 (January-February-March
1997), Ramos Orders I.D. Cards, Solidarity Philippines Australia Network
[7] Ople vs Torres, G.R. No. 127685, July 23, 1998
[8] Senate Economic Planning Office (December 2005) PI-07-05, National
Identification System: Do We Need One?, Policy Insights,
Electronic Frontier Foundation, Mandatory National IDs and Biometric Databases,
[10] Smart Card Alliance (February 2003), Privacy
and Secure Identification Systems: The Role of Smart Clouds as a
Privacy-Enabling Technology,
[11] Senate Economic Planning Office (December 2005) PI-07-05,
Electronic Frontier Foundation, Mandatory National IDs and Biometric Databases, supra
[13] Electronic Frontier Foundation, National Identification
[14] Ople vs. Torres, citing several sources, supra
[15] Electronic Frontier Foundation, Mandatory National IDs
and Biometric Databases, supra
[16] Electronic Frontier Foundation, National Identification
Systems, supra
[17] Alexander Yano (May 24, 2012), The
proposed national ID system, The Manila,
[18] Administrative Order No. 308
[19] Ople vs. Torres, supra
[20] Ibid
[21] Laxmi Rosell, Sheilah Marie
Tomarong-Cañabano (September 14, 2012), ANALYSIS: The Philippines’ Data Privacy Act
Of 2012, World Data
Protection Report, Global Law Watch,
[22] Smart Card Alliance, supra
[23] Ibid
[24] Laxmi Rossel, supra
[25] David Dizon, (June 2, 2012), Angara: Data Privacy Act targets leaks,,
[26] Press Release (July 20, 2011), Senate of the Philippines,
[27] Laxmi Rossel, supra
[28] Senate Economic Planning Office, supra
[29] Section 11, Republic Act No. 10173
[30] Section 12 & 13, Republic Act No. 10173
[31] Smart Card Alliance, supra
[32] Section 16, Republic Act No. 10173
[33] Ibid
I was reading your blog on the Data Privacy Act and I can say that your sources are very informative.However, I also wanted to read your own justification to your position.
ReplyDeleteOwn justification provided under the subtitle on DATA PRIVACY ACT OF 2012 AND ITS IMPLICATIONS IN RELATION TO THE NATIONAL IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (second to the last subtopic), as well as in the CONCLUSION.